No one particular individual or thing is responsible for the cost of a home warranty. Buyers, sellers, or real estate agents can purchase a home warranty, or it may be presented as a present after the purchase of a house. A home warranty offers comfort to everyone engaged in a real estate transaction, supplying them with access to professional services and reducing the costs of repairs and replacements that may be expensive. In this article, we’re going to explore the potential advantages for both buyers and sellers when they buy a home warranty, and more.

What Is a Home Warranty?

A home warranty provides coverage against expensive repairs to major appliances, electric, and plumbing components. A home warranty can have different names, such as home maintenance insurance, home warranty protection, a home warranty plan, or even a home warranty policy.

As opposed to insurance for houses that helps with unpredictable destruction, a warranty for a house only compensates for wear and tear due to regular utilization. One needs to incur both a monthly charge (costing between $25 and $50) and a service cost (ranging from $50 to $100) whenever you request a maintenance service, which is just like taking out a health insurance. The cost of your premium each month will be low, however, the charge for the service will be high.

How Does a Home Warranty Work?

It is expected that with a home warranty, if something breakdowns in your house and it is included, the home warranty company will send a technician to resolve the issue. Sometimes, that’s exactly what happens. Nevertheless, the home warranty business will get an advantage from refusing protection and service, leaving the insured with a defective appliance and a fee for employing the technician.

In the best-case scenario, the home warranty process is simple:

  • Customer places a call to report a broken appliance and pays a small service fee.
  • The home warranty company finds a contractor and sends them to the customer’s home.
  • The contractor fixes the appliance, or
  • The home warranty company replaces the appliance, and
  • Customer is happy because repairs had little to no out-of-pocket costs.

The potential for this situation to be stopped is limited by a range of things, like expenses, contracts, insulation, conditions, and customer support. The outcome of your situation will depend on the birth place of your residence, the spot where you are situated, and the home warranty business you utilize. It is possible to dodge unfavorable results if you comprehend precisely what can fail when filing a home warranty claim.

Why A Home-Seller May Want To Pay For A Home Warranty

A home-owner stands to benefit the most from buying a home warranty. A previously owned house is not typically thought of as the most desirable option. Using major equipment and systems is often demanding, and as they get older, their likelihood for breakdown or failure increases.

The home service contract supplies a swift monetary assurance if something does not go as planned. A home warranty can encourage potential buyers to be more certain when buying a house.

The potential customer is equally awed and content with the upkeep of the house. The cost of the house is higher than its worth in the real estate market. Moreover, certain home warranty firms are willing to give the sellers an insurance at no cost if they consent to buying a home warranty for the buyers. The majority of vendors will generally purchase a home warranty to make the sale go more smoothly and avoid any potential conflicts in the future.

Why a Buyer May Want to Pay for a Home Warranty

Some homes are visually stunning and captivating, making an impression on potential buyers, but require extensive renovations. If you are investing in upgrades, you don’t want to use the money to repair faulty home systems and appliances.

Even if a home seems to be in flawless condition, issues may still arise after the sale is finalized. Getting a home inspection can prove to be a beneficial decision, however it is difficult to anticipate when a used appliance or system will break down accurately. It could be the reason why home buyers appreciate home warranties so much.

Having the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system fail or the washing machine malfunction soon after acquiring a property can be incredibly distressing for people who have just spent the biggest amount of money of their life. Many, especially those who are buying something for the first time, find it beneficial to pay for a warranty that covers the costs of replacing or repairing items so they can enjoy the comfort of knowing their purchase is protected.

In any situation, whether the market be heavily in favor of the seller or not, if no home warranty has been included in the sale, buyers have the option of purchasing one themselves. Normally, if you want a home buyer warranty you must buy it within 30 days after the property is officially closed, otherwise you will need to get a homeowner’s warranty.

Why Do Realtors Pay For Home Warranty?

Real estate agents provide home warranties to their customers, whether they are selling or purchasing a home. A research done by the Service Industry Council revealed that properties listed with a home warranty sold for roughly a couple of thousand dollars more and were snapped up 11 days sooner than those without. In other words, real estate agents take advantage of a home warranty company, which may not cost them anything, to help them quickly sell a house and make money.

Clients of buyer agents are given home warranties as a token of appreciation after the successful sale of a home. This is to both congratulate and thank the client for their business. By engaging in such practices, it can create a good impression on their customers who may then recommend the agent to their acquaintances, leading to an expansion of their business.

How To Pick A Real Estate Plan Worth The Money

The home warranty sector is swamped with a multitude of firms – a few of which are excellent, others satisfactory, and a few not so favorable. To prevent yourself from making a wrong decision when buying a home warranty, here are some important points to think about that will make sure you get the plan that is the most suitable for you.


It is critical to analyze the coverage options and determine whether they will address your requirements when buying a home warranty. Home warranty plans typically come in three varieties: Appliances coverage, Systems coverage, and a plan that covers both.

Vendors may choose to invest in insurance policies that protect their dwellings’ most vulnerable components, while buyers can figure out what they need protection for by writing down an inventory of elements which may necessitate safeguards. Realtors can provide a comprehensive insurance plan to give the purchaser confidence and peace of mind.


One of the most critical elements to consider is the price of the home warranty policies. Potential buyers will not have to pay for the listings provided by vendors and property agents, but they need to make sure that the prices match their financial plan. In these circumstances, requesting estimates for no cost may assist in grasping the exact cost.

Customer Reviews

Reading through the reviews left by customers who have already used a particular company can identify numerous factors that can assist with making an informed decision. Think about companies that have good reviews and ratings, then make your selection from those, rather than selecting from companies that don’t have as much support. Here are some considerations to take into account when looking at reviews:

  • Contractor Base

It is important to investigate if the company you are selecting permits you to ask for assistance from a specialist of your own preference. Also, you must see whether the firm you are considering has a provider system that operates in your area and assess their quality of service.

  • Claims Process

The simplicity of the filing procedure and the quality of the customer service during that period are considerable elements for deciding. In an emergency situation, you don’t want to be stuck with a lengthy and time-consuming procedure.

  • Turnaround Time

You should also explore how quickly the companies can complete their tasks. Advertisers may promise a particular timeline, but the true experience can only be understood by those who have been through the wait.

Guarantee Period

Most home warranty companies provide assurance regarding both labor and components. The guarantees provided can demonstrate how highly the company values its contractors and the excellence of their products.

Fine Print

All home warranty firms have specific circumstances that are exempt or not included in their policies. Examine these limits thoroughly and decide if they are acceptable to you. Typically, pre-existing conditions are not taken into account, so make sure you don’t have any.

Is a Home Warranty Worth It?

As a homeowner trying to sell their house, you can provide a house warranty to the prospective buyer in order to facilitate the completion of the sale. Homeowners who are selling their homes often buy home warranties to ensure they will be protected.

As a buyer, the decision is more difficult. In the majority of instances, the expense of a home warranty is more than the cost of the repairs and replacements it covers. Nevertheless, one can argue in favor of a home warranty, though this will require skillful utilization and may require a stroke of either luck or misfortune, depending on how you interpret it.

Sellers should get a home warranty when:

  • Competing listings offer it: When other sellers in your area offer a home warranty, you may have to offer one to stay competitive. As a seller, you’re only responsible for the monthly premium, so shop around for a lower rate and ask if there are discounts for paying the entire year up front.
  • It’s necessary to close a deal: If your deal has a high chance of falling through because the perceived risk of appliance maintenance is too high, a home warranty can fill that gap. The exact circumstances of the deal may vary, but in most cases, it makes sense to spend a little to get the deal closed.

Buyers should get a home warranty when:

  • It provides good coverage: Evaluate the contract and take notice of any exceptions like existing warranties or specific appliances. If there are any exceptions you don’t understand, contact the home warranty company directly, and avoid signing anything that’s unclear.
  • It’s paid for by the seller: As a buyer, you only pay the home warranty company when you use it, so if the seller is covering the cost, take it. Keep in mind that this is a concession, and if you don’t plan on using the home warranty, negotiate for something else like a credit toward closing costs.
  • You have limited access to credit: Credit can be used to distribute the cost of a home appliance over several months. However, if you don’t have access to credit, an appliance failure may cause substantial financial hardship. A home warranty is by no means the best solution, but it’s one way to offset this risk.

Be aware that home warranties carry serious risk.

First-time homeowners are made to feel worried by home warranties so they can seem to be safeguarded from unwanted costs.

The company’s approach to their services is simple: they offer to take care of all repair needs and give buyers a break from the responsibility. When the opportunity presents itself, it makes use of its extensive understanding of product recalls, service warranties, and contractual exceptions to prevent delivering services.

How to Get the Most from a Home Warranty

Knowing the details of how a home warranty operates and what it covers are the major elements in deciding if it is suitable for you. Gaining knowledge from homeowners who have experience and professionals who are knowledgeable in this field can offer valuable understanding and guidance for your endeavor. We contacted landlords, buyers, sellers, and providers to get you the most exciting accounts of home warranties working.

Benefits Beyond Repair and Replacement

Dan Bailey, the President of WikiLawn, enlightened us with a tale about a home protection service that offers more than just repair and substitution.

In our first year of owning the house, we encountered a predicament where an peculiar electrical flicker destroyed three kitchen appliances – the refrigerator, stove, and air conditioning appliance. Altogether, it would have cost us thousands of dollars to get new ones. The home warranty allowed us to get new items for just the price of the yearly fee.

The availability of the information provided enabled us to launch an inquiry and uncover the fact that the wiring was defective. We sued the real estate agent who sold the house because the condition of the house was not correctly stated. I don’t think that a resolution would have been achieved if the home warranty hadn’t maintained such accurate records.

Practical Advice for Leveraging Home Warranties

Christopher Burgelin, a Real Estate Broker and creator of, has gained insight into the home warranty business due to his firm having bought and used over 600 policies over the course of 18 years.

According to Christopher:

  • Only buy a home warranty if the house is more than 10 years old; newer homes won’t have enough repair costs to justify your premium.
  • Use the 5th through 10th contractors on the list provided to you for service; home warranty companies usually rank contractors at the top of the list who are most likely to deny repairs.
  • They are an excellent vehicle for small landlords. Simply indicate that the first $65 of a repair is payable by the tenant and offer them the phone and policy number.
  • As an alternative, get a reliable handy-man, AC tech, and plumber, since that will make up most of the repairs.

Key Takeaways

As a purchaser, making use of a home warranty can help you to save a great deal on regular services when you thoroughly view your agreement and carefully utilize it. As a dealer, this is a straightforward method of completing a transaction that might not happen otherwise due to older machines. If you are not intending to take full advantage of it, as a purchaser, it is more likely to create problems than to solve them.

Author: Jonathan