Your little one finally went down for a nap. Or the in-laws are coming over shortly. Maybe you’re just looking to get your house tidied up quickly so you can turn on the telly and chill.

You don’t need to dedicate a whole day to tidying your home. There are ways to speed it up. Here is a quick way to tidy up your place so that you can enjoy activities you prefer.

We have developed 15 tips for cleaning along with a one-hour, half-hour and five-minute cleaning plan. Time to change your cleaning routine for life!

15 Hacks to Clean Your Home in Half the Time

When confronted with an uninspiring job, the first step is to discover some inspiration! Put on some energetic music, pick out a great selection of music to listen to or listen to an audiobook so you’ll feel like you’re accomplishing two tasks at the same time. Now, it’s time to dress for the job. Put on something comfortable and you can get started. Have a pair of gloves and protective eyewear close at hand to prevent any contact with harmful chemicals while cleaning.

Start preparing ahead of time in order to give yourself an edge. Remove any mess from the even countertops in order to give yourself space to really clean properly.

1. Have a Sequence

Set a specific schedule and stick to it. The speed-cleaning companies that offer professional services will get the task completed quickly. Establish a routine for cleaning the house and stick to it every time. Focus your attention on tidying one space at a time, starting and finishing in the same area of the room. Don’t waste time moving back and forth.

In order to reduce the amount of time spent tidying up, it is essential to create a plan and follow it every time you’re tidying up. You have to take things step by step, beginning and ending in the same place. A regular pattern of activity is the most effective way of keeping things clean, which can be achieved by doing the same thing every time. The speed of a routine is determined by how it is done, not by the urgency to finish it quickly. This is how you can clean your home quickly.

2. Start from Top to Bottom and then go from Left to Right

Begin at the highest point and work your way downwards. If you begin by tidying the coffee table, remember to conclude by dusting the ceiling fan or blinds, otherwise the coffee table will soon become dirty again. You don’t want to clean the same thing twice. Begin cleaning the taller pieces of furniture first and gradually work your way towards the lower pieces.

Begin tidying up on one end and work your way towards the other. It takes less time than bouncing around attempts to tidy up the entire area. People generally have a habit of cleaning one item and then progressing on to the next one that comes into view. If you do what you did, particles of dirt may end up back on the thing that you just wiped down. Adhering to the correct procedure can spare a good deal of energy. This is how you can clean your home quickly.

3. Keep your Cleaning Equipment Handy

Having all of your cleaning tools conveniently within easy reach can help you save time. This means that you won’t need to keep going back and forth to the cabinet beneath the sink every time you need something. If it’s not practical to schlep around large containers, fill up smaller containers with the cleaning supply and take those with you instead. You could put all the miniature bottles in a pail to be more efficient and ensure nothing gets left out. This is how you can clean your home quickly.

Try to avoid bringing several separate cleaning products when possible. Focus on the fundamentals, so that you don’t spend too much time looking for the right container or opening and closing multiple bottles. Most professional cleaners just use 4 products:

  • Powdered abrasive cleaner.
  • Tile and bathroom cleaner.
  • Heavy-duty degreasing cleaner.
  • Light-duty evaporating cleaner.

If you make use of DIY products for cleaning, you should consider keeping basic cleaning supplies at hand. You do not require a unique disinfectant or a certain item to sole clear blinds, ventilators, or walls. This is how you can clean your home quickly.

4. Vouch for Preventive Maintenance

A few simple precautionary steps can save you a lot of hassle down the road. Purchase a spray bottle of shower cleaner for less than four dollars. You can pick it up at Target or Walmart. This prevents grime and scum buildup in the shower. Simply spray the showerhead and the shower door knob with it, rinse afterwards and you will have finished. It doesn’t need to be wiped off or anything. Maintaining your showers polished will save you a great deal of effort when it comes to cleaning your bathroom.

5. Dust Thoroughly

Feather dusters are an effective tool for getting rid of any light layer of dust that has settled on furniture pieces, windows, blinds, artwork, tight spaces, and other areas. If there’s an accumulation of dust, you’ll have to use either a cloth or a vacuum to remove it. The feather duster should be utilized for dusting every fourteen days. This is how you can clean your home quickly.

6. Cleanse Grease in the Kitchen

Oil tends to build up in the majority of kitchen areas, especially in the vicinity of the stove. You have the option to utilize a cleaner with orange oil to eradicate any grease or else you can choose to use a normal grease-dissolving dishwashing soap. The detergent is effective in eliminating the grease from the cabinets just like it is efficient in cleansing the dishes.

It is recommended that you test the detergent before using it. Combine one tablespoon of soap with a gallon of warm water. Submerge a sponge in the liquid and clean a spot that is barely visible. This is to make certain that the fix does not harm or blemish the look of the cabinets. Substitute a distinct sponge in hot water to eliminate the answer. For difficult-to-remove discoloration or deposits that are not lifted by the cleaning solution, combine baking soda with water and carefully rub the area with a cloth. This is how you can clean your home quickly.

7. Stay Focused and Set Timers

Distractions come easily when performing household chores. That’s because, let’s face it, cleaning can be boring. However, if you maintain concentration, you will finish all of your tasks much faster.

Start a clock, either with a chronometer or by playing a beloved album and attempting to accomplish everything before it’s over.

Right now is an excellent opportunity to tune into audiobooks and podcasts.

8. Get the Family Involved

It cannot be stressed enough how much faster the chores will be completed if everyone participates. No matter if you have one significant other or a number of children, it is crucial to get all people involved. Not only does it expedite processes, it also instills a sense of responsibility.

Make a list of housework duties, divide the spaces around the house, or collaborate as one group in a single area. Whoever cleans the most can get a prize if the children (or spouse) need motivation!

9. Dust Then Vacuum

It is necessary to dust before retiring to vacuuming. If you do the dusting first and then the vacuuming, any dust particles that have been dislodged from shelves or other decorative items will be swept up off the floor. You can then use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of the dirt, making your house much neater.

Be sure that you do not neglect to wipe down your blinds and all other obscure spaces in the area. A microfiber cloth can be employed to accomplish the task.

10. Keep the Dishwasher Empty

Here is the most effective method for tidying up our house, especially if we desire a spotless kitchen. Once the dishwasher cycle has concluded, unload it.

This affords you the opportunity to have a spot for the soiled dishes immediately, so they don’t accumulate and create chaos on your kitchen surfaces. Using the same ideas, it also results in countertops that are neat, stirring you to take action to clean them, making it more hygienic as well.

11. Tackle Bathroom Mold

Mold tends to accumulate quickly in the bathroom, particularly in the shower stall. If you don’t want to spend loads of time removing it, apply hydrogen peroxide to the spot, wait a little while, and let it do away with the fungus.

Mold Tip: When showering, turn on the extractor fan. After each shower session, run a squeegee along the shower doors and walls to wipe away the water. This will prevent mold buildup.

12. One Minute Rule

We are big fans of a hack at our home that takes only a minute. Complete any undertaking requiring a minute or less without delay. This prevents a build-up of mess and chores.

This would involve washing a morning meal bowl, loading a dish into the dishwasher, hooking up some articles of clothing, conveying washing up the stairs, and other things.

13. Dirty and Clean Laundry Basket

If you ever find yourself completely submerged in laundry duties, this trick could completely revolutionize your experience.

First, have multiple dirty laundry baskets around the house. We like to have separate ones for each person. Ensure daily that all garments requiring cleaning are placed in their appropriate washing baskets.

Secondly, have clean laundry baskets. After the laundry is done and no longer wet, place it in the designated hamper. This maintains an organized and orderly appearance until you can stow the items away correctly. Life-changing, right?

14. Speed Clean Often

Instead of deep-cleaning each weekend, give speed-cleaning a try. Set an alarm clock for 15 minutes in the morning and evening to do a swift cleaning of your residence. You may even finish before the allotted time, giving you some extra time to unwind in a spick and span house.

15. Steam the Floors

If you’re wanting to get your cleaning done fast, having a floor steamer is essential. It is more efficient than having to get a mop and pail ready and waiting for the floors to be dry.

Using a steam cleaner is straightforward: fill it with water, turn it on, let it warm up for about half a minute, and start cleaning. It deep cleans and sanitizes your floors.

5-Minute House Cleaning Plan

If you are not in the mood to use your device for the next five minutes, here are some tasks that won’t take up too much of your time.

  • Emptying the dishwasher — you may even have time to fill it back up again.
  • Dust a room.
  • Clean your garbage disposal.
  • Take out the trash.
  • Clearing out mail that’s cluttering up a table.
  • Making your bed.
  • Sweeping floors in one room.
  • Wiping down a surface.
  • Cleaning a bathroom (if you’re speedy!).
  • Decluttering a room.

What about creating a compilation of cleaning jobs that can be done within five minutes? Attach it to the fridge and try a couple while you wait for the teapot to warm up or for the food to be finished.


How Do People Keep Their Houses So Clean?

Folks maintain their homes looking so tidy because they do a bit of tidying up on a daily basis. They take turns doing the chores of making the bed, vacuuming, dusting, washing the dishes, and washing the laundry on specific days.

How Often Should I Clean My House?

The frequency of housecleaning depends on the level of dirtiness. You should divide the tasks into different time frames, such as a day, week, and month, in order to keep yourself organized.

Which Chores Take the Most Time?

The most time-consuming tasks to do are laundering clothing, gardening, scrubbing floors, and preparing food. Doing the weekly grocery shopping, ironing clothes and putting them away are additional causes.

Quickly Cleaning

It is not necessary to devote extended periods of time on the weekend scrubbing your home. You can avoid letting mess build up by cleaning as you go and keeping up with your household chores. Even if your home is in a state of disarray, there are easy ways to make it spick and span in under sixty minutes.

How to Keep Your Home Clean After a Deep-cleanup?

It may be hard to carve out a couple of hours to go through the entire house on a regular basis, so here’s what you can do instead. If you find yourself with 15 minutes to spare, consider using that time to quickly dust the decorations in the living room, as well as wiping off the coffee table and some other pieces of furniture. Apply shower cleaner to your shower each time you take a bath or, at the very least, twice per week.

A good way to clean is to make it a family activity. Everyone is aware that they will be expected to contribute to the cleaning at one point, resulting in them making more effort to ensure their home is tidy.

Author: Jonathan