No matter how vigilant you are, or how many regulations you put in place at your house, messes still occur. The saying “change is inevitable” could be modified to “stains are inevitable” if you own a carpet. If you possess an animal within your abode, then the amount of carpet stains will significantly rise. However, the great aspect is that it does not need to be a lasting blemish, no matter what it is. The options available for removing a stain are either buying a commercial stain remover or making your own carpet spot cleaner. You have an alternative, albeit a pricier one, which is to hire a trained carpet cleaner to get rid of the stain. Most spots can be wiped away using home-made stain removal solutions. Why purchase a stain remover when you could make one in your home kitchen? Have a look at this blog to learn about a few effective homemade carpet stain removers.

Synthetic Carpet Stain Remover

It is acceptable to use commercial products. These are perfect for difficult, persistent, and old stains.

Time: 35 minutes.

Difficulty: Easy.

What You’ll Need

  • Paper towels.
  • Dull tool.
  • Vacuum cleaner.
  • Carpet stain remover.
  • Spray bottle or bowl (optional).
  • White cloths.
  • Distilled water.

1. Treat the Stain

Prior to using any cleaner, you should attempt to remove as much of the stain as possible. For a recent mess, use a paper towel to take away any solid objects. Next, utilize another paper towel to soak up as much as possible.

If the stain is aged or dry, you can use a blunted instrument to delicately remove any solid fragments. Use a vacuum to remove any crumbly parts.

It is crucial to eliminate any solid pieces or excessive dampness from a mark. Applying your cleaner directly to the spill can cause it to become embedded further into the carpet.

Moisten a cloth and gently dab the spot, starting at the outer edge and moving inwards. Do not use a scouring pad or brush when cleaning, since this may impact the stained area more.

2. Apply the Cleaner

A large variety of highly successful carpet stain removers can be purchased today. Before picking a vacuum cleaner, it is wise to determine the kind of carpet you have.

We highly recommend the Genesis 950 Concentrate. This cleaning agent is incredibly strong and needs to be mixed with water. Nonetheless, it is extremely effective at eliminating any kind of spot, be it from a spilled drink or a pet-related incident.

Once you have decided which cleaner to use, follow the instructions on the product’s label for proper application. Certain items have to stay in place on the stain in order to do their job, whereas other products can be applied and then taken off right away.

If you’re using a concentrate, dilute it as directed. We like to use a spray bottle for this task as it makes the process simpler. You can make a lot of it and have it on hand for any future spots or marks that need to be removed.

Before using a fresh item to tidy up your carpet, try it out on a part that is not easily seen. Stay with the product on the location for the amount of time specified on the packaging. During that period, search for evidence of discoloration or injury. If you observe any defects, get rid of the item and look for another.

Caution: Do not utilize any item that has bleach in it if you possess a white-colored carpet.

3. Clear the Area

Make sure that kids and animals don’t enter the room while you are attempting to remove the mark. Substances such as VOCs or other toxins can be found in stain removers.

4. Blot

Once the specified duration is done, use a cloth or towel made of white material to dab the stain. The spot should almost be gone – a small amount of absorption should assist in eliminating the remaining colors.

If the stain remains after cleaning, keep applying your solution until it is gone. Have a clean rag nearby to dab between layers.

5. Rinse

Removing the stain remover is crucial. We prefer to use distilled water for this purpose since it does not contain any minerals.

Moisten a cloth with a bit of water and lightly press it onto the spot. Absorb the dampness with a spotless cloth or paper towel by pressing down. At the end, use a vacuum cleaner to bring back the texture of the carpet.

How to Remove Common Carpet Stains

You will need an effective cleaner to remove the dark stains left by coffee and tea. We would rather combine two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of dish detergent.

After blotting the stain, apply the solution. Stir the area with your finger and then clean it off with water and a cloth.

It is recommended to be patient and let the dirt dry out entirely before attempting to remove it. Before vacuuming, employ a not very sharp tool to remove any crumbling debris.

Spread a mixture of dish soap and water over the area and allow it to sit for 10 minutes. Soak up the spot with a fresh rag or tissue.

Dab the wine up, then pour sparkling water onto the spot where it was. Blot again using a clean cloth. You may need to repeat the procedure if the discoloration persists.

If your pet or child has an accident on the carpet, use a cleaner that has enzymes in it. These goods can be purchased from an online retailer or from a pet shop near you.

Apply the cleaner as directed on the label. It’s essential you completely clean up any evidence of your pet’s urine, as animals are likely to go back to the same location thanks to smell.

Remove any solid materials. Spread baking soda across the region and let it rest for a maximum of six hours. Clean the space with a vacuum thoroughly, then wipe it down with a cloth and alcohol.

Crayons and chewed gum may seem like a major issue on your carpet, but they are quite simple to get rid of. You can attempt to freeze and harden the two spots by putting ice on them. Then employ a not very sharp implement to carefully remove it.

You could also attempt to employ a paper bag and a warm iron to get rid of wax. Put a piece from one end of the bag onto the wax, and then press the iron onto the top in a slow and meticulous manner — reposition the bag a bit after each pass of the iron. Examine the bag while you are pressing with an iron to ensure that the wax is being removed.

We have previously stated that it is never a good idea to use either hot or warm water. Saturate the blood spot with either freezing water or club soda as soon as possible. Employ a fresh rag to dab and repeat until the blemish has vanished.

If you’re not having any success using cold water, try cleaning the stain with a white cloth and some hydrogen peroxide. Dab the stain and leave it for five minutes. Blot with a damp cloth to rinse.

For ink stains, anything with alcohol can work. Soak a white cloth in isopropyl alcohol and use it to blot the blemish until it is gone. You can also experiment with using nail polish remover, sprayed hairspray or white vinegar.

Use a dry towel or cloth to soak up the spill, do not rub or scrub it. Mix together white vinegar, dish soap, and water in a spray bottle and use it to spritz the area. Allow the solution to sit for a maximum of 10 minutes and use a cloth to blot the mark until it has vanished.

Begin by removing any solid matter with a blunt instrument. Dab the stain with a sponge that has had some rubbing alcohol put on it until it no longer remains. Finish by wiping the spot with a dry cloth and patting until the area is free of moisture and dirt.

Using a butter knife, start by taking off any remaining ketchup from the rug. Mix one tablespoon of dish soap with two cups of cold water. Sponge the stain and blot using a dry cloth. Repeat if necessary.

List of Homemade Carpet Stain Removers

It is not difficult to put together these homemade stain removers, and they will come in handy when you need them.

1. Beer

Dribbling some beer on top of a coffee or tea stain on your rug can help remove it.

  • Stains: Coffee or tea
  • Things you need: Beer


Massage a slight amount of beer into the discolored textile and it should start to fade away. You may need to repeat the process a few times before the stain is completely gone.

2. Salt

Don’t freak out if you accidentally pour some red wine on your carpet.

  • Stains: Red wine and greasy food stains
  • Things you need: Salt and alcohol


While the red wine spill is still wet, use some white wine to lessen the intensity of the stain. Dab it with a wet sponge and cold water. Spread salt over the area, allow it to sit for 10 minutes, and then vacuum the spot after that.

Combine 1 portion of salt with 4 portions of booze and scrub it over any oily food smears. Be sure to brush the carpet against its grain.

Did you have a bit of ketchup spill onto your rug? Hurry up before this becomes a permanent stain. Add salt to the damp ketchup and wait a few moments, then vacuum. Wipe away the rest with a wet sponge and keep going until all of the ketchup is gone.

3. Shaving Cream

Who would have guessed that shaving cream would be useful for getting rid of a stain?

  • Stains: Juice, grease and oil stains
  • What you need: Shaving cream, sponge, soft cloth


Remove the stain by dabbing it with a wet sponge, spray some shaving foam onto it, and then clean it with a damp cloth.

Put the cream onto the greasy or oily mark and let it dry. Rub it off with a damp soft cloth.

4. Club Soda

Club soda works well on pet urine stains.

  • Stains: Pet urine, coffee/tea
  • What you need: Club soda, paper towels, carpet shampoo


Suck up any remaining urine with paper towels, cover the spot with club soda and let it sit, then soak up the liquid again. Scrub with diluted carpet shampoo.

For tea/coffee stains, use the same method as before but instead of scrubbing with carpet shampoo, don’t do it.

5. Ice Cubes

Is the chewing gum somehow ending up on your carpet?

  • Stains: Chewing gum and bubble gum
  • What you need: Ice cubes, plastic bag, trichloroethylene (if it just won’t come off fully)


Put some ice cubes in a plastic bag and lay it over the chewing gum to make it go solid. Scrape it off using a butter knife. If pieces of gum remain, use a dry cleaning fluid known as trichloroethylene to dab it.

6. Hydrogen Peroxide

Do you have a spot on your carpet but are uncertain of the source? This DIY stain remover will definitely eliminate that spot.

  • Stains: Unknowns carpet stains
  • What you need: Hydrogen Peroxide and a little non-gel toothpaste or cream of tartar and a soft cloth


Combine one teaspoon of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide with a small amount of regular toothpaste, or tartar cream, whichever you are using. Apply the mixture to the spot with a gentle fabric.

7. Borax

Borax can be used for old stains on carpets.

  • What you need: Borax, vinegar, soapy water


Moisten the soiled area of the carpet thoroughly, then sprinkle some borax over it and rub it in. Allow the region to air out and then dab it with a combination of soapy water and vinegar in the same quantities, and let it be. Repeat the process a few times, if required.

Ps. Be sure to try out this home-made rug stain remover on a small piece of the rug or on a leftover material from the carpet before putting it on the stain. If the mixture used is too potent for the cloth, it may leave behind an unwanted mark.

8. Vinegar

Vinegar is amazing when it comes to getting rid of carpet stains.

  • Stains: Vinegar cleans a wide range of stains like light carpet stains, dark stains, coffee and tea stains, fruit juice stains, paint stains and ground-in dirt stains.

Besides vinegar, the products you use to clean a stain will vary depending on the specific stain.

Light Carpet Stains

What you need: White vinegar and salt

Combine two tablespoons of salt with half a cup of white vinegar, and use the mixture to rub on any spots. Let the solution dry and vacuum it later.

Dark Carpet Stains

What you need: White vinegar, borax, and salt

Mix together ½ cup of white vinegar, 2 tablespoons of salt, and 2 tablespoons of borax in a bowl. Repeat the same process as for light carpet stains.

Coffee & Tea stains

What you need: White vinegar and water

Combine an equal amount of white vinegar and water and lightly dab the stain.

Fruit Juice Stains

What you need: Laundry detergent, white vinegar, and water

Mix together two glasses of water with one tablespoon of washing powder and one and a half tablespoons of white vinegar. Rub the solution into the stain and then blot.

Paint Stains

You will require white vinegar, laundry soap, a sponge, and a small quantity of icy water.

Directions: Sponge away the paint. Mix together one tablespoon of washing powder, 1 ½ tablespoons of white vinegar and two cups of water, and then put it on the discolored part. Rinse with cold water.


Rather than doing everything yourself through homemade efforts or DIYs, you also have the choice of finding ways to reduce expenses on items that can’t be attended to in this way. As an example, when talking about home upkeep, it is impossible to do the work yourself to switch out a piece of your air conditioning or microwave that needs to be replaced. You cannot create your own tiles to substitute for the few tiles which have red wine spots on them. A Home Warranty policy will help protect you from incurring large expenses related to needed repairs or replacement of items. In order to make this happen, you will need to purchase a home warranty first. You will need to shell out a low deductible total for every maintenance/substitution. Many firms take a deductible fee of $50 while a handful levy a differing fee, either higher or lower.

Author: Jonathan