Are worries about pests creeping into your mind? Would you like to have peace of mind when spending time with your family in your own home, free from the annoyance of ants, spiders, mosquitoes, or any other type of pest?

Whether you are already dealing with a pest issue or you’re concerned that one may arise, you can set your mind at ease by selecting the ideal service provider for your worries.

You definitely don’t want to waste money by selecting an inappropriate pest control service. You don’t want to be stuck paying a lot of money to an exterminator when lawn care businesses provide comparable pest control services that are just as successful.

Figuring out what kind of pest control services may be necessary can be perplexing. We will provide assistance in looking into the most frequent pests and how to eliminate them.

For every one of the 6 usual pests, we will analyze the best possible alternative depending on specific variables.

1. Ants

Ants are a common insect found worldwide. You may be astonished to discover that there are over 10,000 distinct species of ants in existence worldwide.

In general, ants are not a problem unless they enter your house, or there’s an abundance of them in your garden or close to the walls of your house. When this situation arises, it would be necessary to enlist the help of an experienced pest control company.

The odorous house ant, known commonly as the “sugar ant,” is the most typical type of ant encountered indoors. When squashed, these ants release a pungent odor. The biggest and most destructive ant species is the carpenter ant, which has the potential to cause considerable harm to homes and buildings if not eliminated. You may come across pavement ants (also known as “slab ants”) when you are outdoors, and if they are everywhere, it can easily ruin a pleasant family picnic.

Getting Rid of Ants

Eliminating ants in the exterior of the home and keeping them from entering the interior can be accomplished by utilizing a combination of pest management to the lawn and perimeter pest control around the base of the property.

These two services are not as intrusive or costly as employing an exterminator to treat the inside of the house.

If you already have a serious problem with destructive ants like the carpenter ant, you may need to call an exterminator. Continuing on, treatments to control pests around the perimeter should be very effective in preventing future issues.

2. Termites

Termite colonies feed continuously and without interruption all day, every day of the week, making them one of the most damaging bugs you may encounter inside your home. Termites have earned the moniker of “silent destroyers” because of their capability to consume wood, flooring, or even wallpaper without being detected until the harm is grave enough to be observed.

Approximately 2,000 species of termites exist in the world. Indications of termite harm include floors and roofs that are swollen, tunnels that can be seen inside walls, floors, or furniture, and wood that is warped.

Getting Rid of Termites

Termites require immediate action. For termite control , you should contact an exterminator.

3. Millipedes and Centipedes

Homeowners can be quite disturbed by the various types of pests that creep and crawl around. Other than being creepy, millipedes pose no real threat. They do not bite, sting, or cause damage. Nevertheless, they can be bothersome when they are located in humid places around the home, for example, the basement.

You may come across centipedes in your home, which can be an annoying issue. Sometimes referred to as “thousand leggers,” these creatures have the ability to appear in and around the house, and even make their way up the stairs.

These two pests often enter buildings when there is an overload of humidity or a shortage of water.

Getting Rid of Millipedes and Centipedes

It may be possible to eliminate millipedes and centipedes by using exterior pest management techniques that will stop them from entering your home.

4. Stinging Insects

Insects that sting include honeybees, yellow jackets, bumblebees, and other types of wasps and hornets, which are often found in people’s yards. Unfortunately, the presence of these creatures on your property is not only an annoyance, but is also a real danger to your friends and family, with over 500,000 people having to go to the emergency room annually due to them.

Getting Rid of Stinging Insects

If you find a nest on your land, never try to get rid of it yourself as the bugs may become protective and mount an assault. An exterminator should be called for the removal of stinging insects and their nests. If you discover a honeybee hive on your land, there are services that can be used to transfer the group so that these valuable pollinators can remain alive.

5. Ticks

Ticks in our region are a big concern. Ticks are notorious for spreading illnesses like Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, which can be passed on to people or animals.

It is important to be aware that ticks are active throughout the year, can be encountered in many places, and that controlling them is key to avoiding being bitten.

Getting Rid of Ticks

Having a lawn care company on your side can be very beneficial in protecting you from any hazardous pests. You do not need to use lawn care services to take advantage of tick treatments. Hiring a lawn care company could be more cost-effective than working with another pest control service.

Applications for tick management will cover exterior parts of the property that ticks usually inhabit. By dealing with the issue outside, you will stop ticks from entering your home as well, since they can be brought in on the body of a person or pet.

It is essential to remember that utilizing topical treatments for your animals, as prescribed by a veterinarian, can be very effective in preventing ticks. It is essential to keep in mind that even if your animals are not getting ticks in your yard, they could still get them somewhere else and take them back to your house.

6. Rodents

No one desires to discover that they have an issue with mice or other rodents in or around their residence. Rodents such as mice and rats can be hazardous as they can cause destruction and may carry illnesses. Signs that you may have a rodent infestation are droppings, chew marks, scurrying sounds, or even your pet exhibiting strange behavior.

Getting Rid of Rodents

If you think a rat or mouse is the cause, it is important to quickly contact a pest exterminator.

What to Look for in a Lawn Care Service

All lawn care companies are not the same. The prices of lawn care services provided by businesses will differ, as will the selection and type of options made available to the property owner. The homeowner can make the best choice of lawn care provider by identifying their desired outcome for the lawn, as well as any restrictions they may have on the use of fertilizers and other chemicals that are commonly used to create an attractive, weed-free, and pest-free lawn.

Consider the following:

  • What is the desired outcome from the contracted company—does the home lawn need to be immaculate or just have functional grass cover?
  • What is the annual cost for a company’s standard program?
  • What are all the services included as part of the standard program?
  • What are the “add-ons” or additional services available, and what are the costs for these optional services?

Prior to signing a contract with a lawn care company, it is advisable to contact and evaluate a couple of reliable firms (be sure to ask for testimonials and/or the addresses of lawns they maintain). This guide should assist the homeowner in choosing a lawn care service by providing a series of questions and answers.

What Types of Services are Included in the Standard Program?

Including fertilization in a lawn care regimen is a must. The majority of businesses will include preemergence (for crabgrass) and postemergence (for broadleaf weeds) weed control in their usual services, though some may offer these as separate options. Many lawn care plans involve keeping insects that feed on the surface (such as chinch bugs, bluegrass billbugs, and sod webworms) in check, but often require you to pay extra for grub control. Certain companies will not provide any insect control, while some might charge an additional fee for it. Most lawn care companies provide disease control as an extra service, which is not part of their regular lawn care package. Certain lawn care businesses have joined with landscape companies, or may be a part of a bigger landscape company. Thus, it could be possible to find a business that can provide both lawn and landscape maintenance if desired.

How Much Fertilizer is Applied During the Year?

Nitrogen is the key nutrient in turf fertilization programs. Good lawn care businesses will provide Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, fine fescue, or tall fescue lawns with a quantity of 3 to 4.5 pounds of nitrogen for every 1000 square feet of lawn annually. Potassium, also known as potash, is sometimes included in the usual fertilization program. K-based products can be beneficial in difficult weather conditions, and it is suggested that homeowners remove grass cuttings every time they mow. Almost all uses of phosphorus for soil enrichment have been discontinued due to worries about how it affects the environment. It is only advised to use phosphorous when first setting up a lawn, but this should be done according to the results of a soil analysis. The specific amount of potassium and phosphorus each lawn needs may differ because of the varied soil compositions, the history of the lawn, and what type of fertilizer has been used, so it’s best to check the soil for an accurate reading.

What are the Types of Nitrogen Fertilizers Used?

Different types of nitrogen fertilizers can cause different levels of plant growth and changes in plant color. Nitrogen fertilizers can be separated into two categories: those that provide nitrogen in a quickly accessible form and those that supply nitrogen at a slower rate. N can be used to promote fast grass growth and result in a rich, dark green color of the turf in a short period of time. The encouragement of an excessive growth rate due to an overreliance on rapidly-accessible nitrogen sources is not ideal, both in terms of the need for frequent mowing and the potential for reduced grass strength and health. Gradual releases of nitrogen result in a steadier and more extensive growth and coloring of the grass. Nitrogen that can be obtained rapidly is suitable for use during autumn and the beginning of spring. Nitrogen that is released gradually is ideal for use during the late spring and summer seasons. It is essential to recognize that the same level of success in supplying turf with slowly-released nitrogen can be achieved by either spraying it in a liquid form or by using a granular form. Sources of the nitrogen that is made available gradually include processed animal manure, and some of these products may have even obtained an organic classification based on their production method.

The condition of the lawn may differ from one year to the next depending on the weather. A lawn care company cannot guarantee that there will not be any issues. Be wary of any lawn care company that promises there will be no issues! The company should inquire about any difficulties you know of that have been experienced at your residence, as well as researching any past issues in the area. Respectable lawn care businesses will do all they can to please their customers. Many firms will offer free corrective measures if the customer is displeased with their product. There are personnel employed at certain locations who are responsible for dealing with customer service inquiries. They can come to the house if they can’t identify or fix the issue on the phone. Don’t hesitate to ask for a home visit—a trustworthy company recognizes the importance of offering this kind of service.

Organic and Other Alternative Lawn Care Services

Organic lawn care services are available for people who would like to use organic, long-lasting fertilizers and either no or minimal weed or insect control. Give special consideration to how to handle weeds, if necessary. In some instances, businesses may require the utilization of conventional weed control products (such as for crabgrass or broadleaf weeds) for customers who are intolerant to these types of plants. Although there are a few products that are organic and intended to control weeds, the majority of them are costly and not very successful. In the same way, when an insect infestation happens, there are not many organic insecticides and beneficial biological controls accessible. If attainable, traditional insecticides are less costly than their alternatives. In certain situations, organic lawn care businesses may offer to install grasses that are resistant to bugs to fix any harm that has been caused by these pests.

Does Cost Equate with Quality?

Companies that specialize in lawn care provide a cost-effective and time-saving solution, even when compared to DIY alternatives, along with their professional knowledge in agronomy. In a market with a lot of rivalry, prices for comparable lawn maintenance services may vary only slightly from one company to the next. A business that seems pricier than the competition may provide certain services as part of its standard package that other companies usually charge extra for (check the list below). Be cautious of organizations that promise to provide services similar to other businesses at a much lower cost and seem too good to be real—most likely, it is not legitimate. Stay away from businesses that do not have a contract specifying their services and what is expected of you as a customer.

Author: Jonathan